1 Eidotter2 Eiweiß
1 Banane
1EL Proteinpulver (oder Mandelmehl oder ein anderes Mehl)
eine Brise Backpulver
Die Zutaten einfach alle Zusammen mit einem Pürierstab oder Standmixer mixen. Schon ist der Teig fertig. Pro Pancake 2 EL vom Teig in eine nicht all zu heiße Pfanne geben und auf beiden Seiten goldbraun backen. Man kann in den Teig auch getrocknete Cranberries, Blaubeeren, Schokostücke,... mischen. Wie man mag :) Auf dem Foto habe ich die Pancakes mit einer geschnittenen Birne geschichtet und mit Kakao Nibs und Honig garniert.
I remember a time whe breakfast was not important for me. I even had mistakenly feel I could easily save calories when I don't eat in the morning or it only a little bit ... well ... now that's unimaginable to me. Breakfast has become my favorite meal. Although I still cannot eating right after getting up, so I usually take something with me to eat in the university or work (e.g. my Oatmeal2go or Overnight Oats), but breakfast is a MUST for me. I love the mornings I spend at home and I have enough time. Then I especially like eating these pancakes. They are a healthy alternative to regular pancakes and my absolute favorite recipe.
1 egg yolk
2 egg whites
1 banana
1 tablespoon of protein powder (or almond flour or other flour)
a little bit baking powder
Simply mix the ingredients simply all together with an immersion blender or blender. When the dough is ready give 2 tablespoons of dough into a not-too-hot pan and cook until golden brown on both sides. You can also add dried cranberries, blueberries, chocolate pieces,.. to the dough. Whatever you like :) For my breakfast I layered the pancakes with a sliced pear and topped with cocoa nibs and honey.
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